Global Summer Marketing Challenge (GSMC)
The Global Summer Marketing Challenge (GSMC) is returning during the 2023-2024 term! This year, Marketyze will be introducing a new case focusing on using technology to create marketing strategies for the global expansion of NorthernEco.

- Open to high-school students, grade 9-12
- Registration for the event will be free
- Participants will register INDIVIDUALLY through the following Google Form; however, they may have teams of up to 3 members
- Registration will be open, June 1st, 2024 and close, July 29th, 2024 @ 11:59 PM ET
Competition Requirements
3-Page Written Report: Due Monday, August 12th @ 11:59 PM ET
- Cover Page and Table of Contents (not included in page count)
- Description of Selected Market for Expansion + Rationale
- Overall Campaign Theme/Message
- 3 Marketing Strategies
- Strategy overview
- Projected outcome
- Budget + Key Performance Indicators
10-Minute Case Presentation: Due Thursday, August 15th @ 11:59 PM ET
- 7-minute: Presentation
- 3-minute: Q&A
Prize and Award
For the GSMC competition, Marketyze will be awarding the winners with cash prizes!!! On top of the award, a glowing stripe on your resume, Marketyze will be providing over $100+ in overall value of prizes!
Vlog Contest
This year, Marketyze is introducing a brand new side quest! Participants will have the chance to submit vlogs of their GSMC experience. The Vlog will be submitted through the following Google Form and will be due Wednesday, August 21nd @ 11:59 PM. The winner will be featured on our social media platforms, acknowledged during the Closing Ceremony, and awarded a prize! Also, the winning participants will have the opportunity to join Marketyze next term as one of the associates of marketing or as a part of the editing team!